Speaker Series: Collective Redress – Lessons from Around the Globe

DFF’s fifth Speaker Series will highlight and discuss collective redress mechanisms and case studies from Europe and around the world. The series aims to explore opportunities to harness both collective power and strategic litigation to protect digital rights, in the wake of the EU Representative Actions Directive’s recent entry into force.


Thursday 11 October, 17:00 – 18:20 CET

The European Union Representative Actions Directive

This session will focus on the recently entered into force EU Representative Actions Directive and the importance for the European digital rights community to implement collective redress mechanisms into their strategic litigation toolboxes.

The conversation will be guided by the following questions:


  1. What is the objective of the EU Representative Actions Directive (RAD) and what shortcomings to the previous regime does it seek to address?
  2. What is the scope of the RAD, and what is its current state of implementation across EU Member States?
  3. How can the RAD improve access to justice for digital rights violations on a collective level?
  4. What can we learn from collective action mechanisms and case law across different jurisdictions in order to leverage the opportunities afforded by the RAD?


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Picture of Julia Suderow
Julia Suderow

Assistant Professor at the University of Deusto and President at Ius Omnibus

Picture of Rhonson Salim
Rhonson Salim

Lecturer at Aston Law School, Aston University, UK