The Digital Freedom Fund facilitates networking, skill building and movement-strengthening initiatives in the form of training, workshops, speaker series and strategy sessions. Our approach is participatory and seeks to support individuals and organisations working to promote digital rights in Europe through strategic litigation. Events are held in both online and offline format.
Upcoming Events

With the EU Representative Actions Directive recently entering into force, we believe that collective action will become a crucial legal avenue to harness collective power before national courts to unlock meaningful digital rights protection and enforcement. Our fifth Speaker Series will focus on lessons from the EU, EU Member States, and around the globe on the topic of collective redress.
The Collective Redress Lessons from Around the Globe Speaker Series will be conducted online, and attendance is by registration only.

This is the second follow- up workshop aimed at sharing best practices for enforcing the Charter in digital rights litigation. We will unpack different legal avenues in using the Charter in digital rights litigation, we will share successes and lessons learnt from utilising the EU Charter in strategic litigation, and we will ensure that the digital rights community are equipped with the tools to utilise the EU Charter in digital rights strategic litigation.

Inspired by the many examples of organising against police abuse across Europe, DFF is working to develop a toolkit that offers an intersectional understanding of the question at hand, that is as accessible as possible and propose simplified examples of strategising and organising against digital policing.
We aim to map issues at the intersection of technology, policing and racial and social justice, to identify potential partnerships, and to start strategising toward building transformative action- and movement- oriented coalitions, in order to support the expansion of an intersectional transfeminist and antiracist space working on these issues.

We are organising a strategic workshop on platform workers, which we understand as individuals earning their livelihood selling their labour power via and/or to online platforms- directly or indirectly.
We aim to map the issues at the intersection of technology, online platforms, and social and racial justice, to identify potential partnership opportunities and to start strategising toward building transformative action- and movement- oriented coalitions, in order to support the expansion of an intersectional transfeminist and antiracist space working on these issues.