Gaining access to government algorithms in Germany
GFF believe that information about algorithm-driven technology used by state bodies in Germany should be accessible to anyone who wants to scrutinise it. When the public can check that technology is created and used in line with human rights standards the government can be held accountable. However, the German Weather Agency denied a freedom of information request by an individual asking for information about a forecasting software.
GFF are supporting legal action by the individual appealing the decision. A positive decision would set an important legal precedent allowing for access to information about the technology software used by state bodies in Germany.
Gaining access to government algorithms in Germany
Organisation Name
Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF)
Amount Granted
EUR 13,882
Current Status
Grant type
Litigation Track Support
GFF believe that information about algorithm-driven technology used by state bodies in Germany should be accessible to anyone who wants to scrutinise it. When the public can check that technology is created and used in line with human rights standards the government can be held accountable. However, the German Weather Agency denied a freedom of information request by an individual asking for information about a forecasting software.
GFF are supporting legal action by the individual appealing the decision. A positive decision would set an important legal precedent allowing for access to information about the technology software used by state bodies in Germany.
"A positive decision would set an important legal precedent allowing for access to information about the technology software used by state bodies in Germany"
Strategic Goal
To set a legal precedent allowing for access to the software source code of technology employed by state bodies in Germany, in order to better hold the government accountable.