Platform Accountability

Digital platforms and big tech play an active role in either causing or facilitating mass human rights violations within Europe, including through online platforms amplifying harmful, misleading and hateful content, while over-censoring legitimate and potentially life-saving content.
Through a series of workshops, strategic litigation retreats and the future development of a Practical Guide to Legal Pathways for Platform Accountability in Europe, this project focuses on increasing civil society’s knowledge of how to hold digital platforms and big tech accountable.
Specific topics explored within this project include collective redress and emerging EU legislation like the Digital Services Act, Digital Markets Act, Artificial Intelligence Act and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
Read more on our blog:
Big Tech Platforms: With great power and responsibility should also come greater accountability (part two)
This blog post is the second instalment in a two-part series on platform accountability. In part one, we shared some reflections and recent developments around
Big Tech Platforms: With great power and responsibility should also come greater accountability
This blog post is the first in a two-part series on platform accountability. In this instalment, we would like to share some initial reflections around
Access to justice in data protection: the more things change, the more they (seem to continue to) stay the same
As today marks the fifth anniversary of the General Data Protection Regulation’s (GDPR) entry into application, it seemed apropos to also publish the second part
Access to justice in data protection: the more things change, the more they (can also) stay the same.
This blog post is part of a three-part series on access to justice in data protection and a recent DFF workshop held in December 2022
Delays, Despondency & Despair within the Data Protection Space
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has now been in effect for 4 years. It no longer carries its original bewitching buzz, but has