Panel of experts
Since 2018, DFF has worked with a panel of independent experts to evaluate the grant applications we receive. The Panel of Experts are not involved in the decision-making process for approving grants. The evaluations inform our decisions and provide feedback to pass on to the applicants.

The experts on the panel provide their input in accordance with Terms of Reference that includes our Code of Conduct, and policies on confidentiality and conflict of interest.
The experts’ work is conducted on a confidential basis: their involvement in the assessment of an application will not be disclosed to the applicant and experts are barred from discussing their evaluation work with anyone outside DFF, including the applicant.
The first two assessments per calendar year are provided on a non-remunerated basis. For each additional assessment, the expert has the option to continue on a pro bono basis, accept a modest fee, or donate to a charity of their choice.
Our current panel of experts is listed here. The list is updated on a regular basis.

Join our panel of experts
We welcome applications to join the panel. If you are an expert in the field of human rights, digital rights, strategic litigation or another field relevant to DFF’s work and would like to contribute, please send a brief statement of interest, contact details of two references, and your CV to grants(at) with “Panel of experts application” in the subject line. If you have any questions about the panel, please send your query to the same address.