ANBI information

ANBI information

As a non-profit registered in the Netherlands, the Digital Freedom Fund is required to publish the below information on its website. If you have any questions about the Fund, please get in touch.

General information
The Digital Freedom Fund is registered as a stichting (foundation) with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 69525749. Its RSIN number is 857905922.

The Digital Freedom Fund’s address is Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 104 – 108 
1012 SG Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (Registered address for post only

The Digital Freedom Fund is recognised as an Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling – ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation) by the Dutch tax authority.

The Board of the Digital Freedom Fund consists of:

  • Ms Joan Monique Steijns
  • Mr Rupert Skillbeck
  • Ms Audrey Gaughran

  • Ms Karmen Turk

  • Ms Jiefan Hsu
  • Mr Björn Van Roozendal

Board members receive no remuneration for their work; they are compensated for any expenses made in the course of exercising their duties, including travel expenses for Board meetings.

Objective and mission
The Digital Freedom Fund’s vision is a society in which everyone can enjoy their human rights in online and networked spaces. The Fund’s mission is to support civil society in Europe to achieve positive judgments for the protection and promotion of digital rights through grantmaking and by facilitating coordination amongst NGOs and lawyers involved in advancing digital rights.

Policy plan
The Digital Freedom Fund’s policy plan (in Dutch) can be downloaded here.

Standard forms

Since 2020, large Dutch organisation with ANBI status must publish their financial results in a standard format on their website. DFF is required to publish the Standard Form for Fundraising Institutions (“Standaardformulier publicatieplicht Fondswervende instellingen”).

2023 (in English)

2022 (in Dutch)

2021 (in Dutch)

2020 (in Dutch)

Audited financial statements

DFF’s financial statements are drafted by Florys and audited by WITh Accountants B.V.






Foreign Public Charity Equivalence certification ​

The Digital Freedom Fund is part of the NGOsource repository of Equivalency Determination (ED) certified organizations. DFF’s Foreign Public Charity Equivalence certification is available at