Application process
To help write your application in advance, check out the application guides here and see examples of the digital rights work we are supporting on our case studies page.
The application process consists of the following steps:
Step 1: Eligibility check
The first step in applying for DFF support is completing an eligibility check. DFF offers two kinds of grant support: litigation track and pre-litigation research. Access the eligibility check form on our online grant platform using the link at the bottom of this page.
An eligibility check can be submitted at any time while a call for applications is open, but we recommend submitting your eligibility check as early in the call period as possible so you have more time to work on your application (we recommend at least 1 month if not longer before the deadline). DFF aims to respond to eligibility checks within three working days.
Please submit your eligibility check in our online grant platform (link at bottom of page) by 15 July 2024 23:59 CET at the latest, in order to be considered. It will not be possible to start a new application request after 15 July.
Step 2: Full application
If your request meets the eligibility criteria you will be given access to the full application form. Completed applications must be submitted through the DFF grant platform by the call for applications deadline. Any applications submitted outside of the given timeframe will not be considered.
Make sure you complete Step 1 as early as possible so that you have plenty of time for Step 2.
For the current call, the deadline for submitting your final application is 23 July 2024. In order to get access to the full application form, you must first complete Step 1 by 15 July 2024 at the latest.
Step 3: Evaluation by Panel of Experts
Applications clearly falling outside the scope of DFF’s grantmaking criteria will not go through to the next step. Applications that meet the grantmaking criteria will be fully evaluated with the assistance of our Panel of Experts, on the basis of which a recommendation will be made to the DFF Board.
Step 4: Decision by DFF Board
The DFF Board makes the final decision on all applications. Due to the large number of applications received in relation to our available funding, not all applications that meet our criteria can be approved. Unsuccessful applicants are welcome to apply again in the next call for applications.
Application and assessment process
The overall duration of the application review process is around three months from the deadline of the call for applications until the final decision by the DFF Board. For example, if the application deadline is 1 March, you can expect a final decision in June. This estimate assumes all application materials are complete and there are no complicating factors. While DFF strives to adhere to this timing, it does not reflect any formal obligation of DFF towards applicants.
For questions concerning the application process, please see our FAQ page or contact the grants team by clicking the envelope below.