Below you will find all of DFF’s past and present projects. These diverse projects aim to serve as resources for those working in the digital rights field, as well as for those looking to learn more about key digitals rights issues.
Current Projects
Digital platforms and big tech play an active role in either causing or facilitating mass human rights violations within Europe, including through online platforms amplifying harmful, misleading and hateful content, while over-censoring legitimate and potentially life-saving content.
The Developing Information, Guidance, and Interconnectedness for (Charter) Rights Integration in Strategies for Enforcement (digiRISE) project aims to increase awareness of the potential of the EU Charter of fundamental rights in the defense and protection of digital rights, to conduct capacity building, and to strengthen the knowledge and ability of different stakeholders in enforcing digital rights using strategic litigation.
Past Projects
DFF and its partner European Digital Rights (EDRi) are in the initial phases of a new initiative to begin a decolonising process for the digital rights field.
DFF launched this initiative to support the work of racial, social and economic justice organisations in the digital context.
Through our project on Tech Community Engagement, we seek to take a careful and intentional approach to bridging gaps between litigators, technologists and activists. This is with a view to building an interdisciplinary community that can work collectively on strategic digital rights litigation.